Today, as we gather with friends and family, and pitch horseshoes, play games and reap the fruits of our bountiful nation, watch fireworks, and stand in awe at our Nation's Independence, let us not forget how we got to where we are today. For if not for the Soldier, who stands for ever vigilant, in the tropical swelter of the desert or jungle, or the brutal cold of winter in any number of God forsaken lands, we owe our very lives to the people who defend the way of life we have come to enjoy, and that has become common place to the people of this Country. Our forefathers risked everything giving birth to this Nation, and their blood is what brought this fledgling Nation to be the Superpower that is unrivaled by any other. For it is written, without bloodshed, there can be no heroes, and without heroes, there would be no Nation.
Today, more than any other day, we should hit our knees on God's green earth and thank our Lord for the men and women who stand guard and protect our freedom every day. These men and women who volunteer to serve their Country and defend the Constitution of these United States with their very lives, should be put on a pedestal and made to feel like the heroes they most certainly are. So as you eat your burger today, and throw back a few cold ones....
Please remember.... A Veteran is the reason you have that freedom, and an active duty Soldier is protecting your freedom right now! God Bless America.... and God Bless the American Soldier!
David W. Emerick
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Is Palin Pailing ?
I think not! Get ready America, for standing before you yesterday in National eye, is what could only be labeled as the Future of our Country. The statements she made that were overlooked by the media spoke volumes toward her character and her desire to change the world. She opted to not become a lame duck Governor, and just take the free ride for the rest of her term. When have you ever heard of that novel approach? Rather to move on to the next level and continue in other forums where her talent, passion and motivation can be capitalized upon. What a breath of fresh air! Sarah Palin must have done some serious soul searching in making this decision, and that is exactly what we need in this Country. The detractors are already saying that this just means she can't complete anything. Don't you believe it! This means that she is not willing to stagnate in a position where she can do no more. Keep your eye on this jewel of the Yukon my friends, and watch out Mr. President... 2012 and Super Sarah are coming!
David W. Emerick
David W. Emerick
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