Sunday, October 16, 2011


    Well my friends, just when I thought I'd seen the pinochle of hypocrisy, IE, the Obama Presidency, comes the Occupy Wall Street debacle.  I ask you, how can these products of the liberal left education system, brain washed surrogates, and proponents of the "Move" George Soros crowd, not realize, that by protesting in the media spotlight like they are, they're demonstrating shear stupidity, much less hypocrisy ?  News crews, both liberal and conservative, cameras rolling, display for everyone to see, protesters sporting Ipods, Blackberry's, Android systems, MP3 head phones in ears, Izod, Old Navy, Dockers, and Levis clothing attire on all, and, (this is what really gets me), They're protesting about the Corporate profits and Wall Street Tycoons of the companies of all the products they themselves are wearing and using!!!  The hypocrisy blow my mind !!!
    It would seem to me, that these idiots, would make a much more significant impact on the issue they're trying to shed light upon if they were protesting nude, or in potato sacks or something that would display the amount of financial hardship they're experiencing.  Not screaming about the evils of Corporate America, while texting their friends to watch them get arrested on nationwide television.
    These Morons, who I have no doubt are being funded by Soros, actually have no clue.  They are blind, apathetic sheep, who are easily molded into make shift catalysts for whatever the big money on the left label the, "Issue d'joir" !!!   It's so easy to see,  These protesters actually walked by Soros's house to bully a bank!!!
   Bottom line.....  Nice try George, you've really shown your true colors on this one pal.  Your vitriol and contempt for the private sector has blinded you to the fact that you've become a laughing stock, grasping at any chance to embarrass the juggernaut of the conservative movement, you've forgotten, or overlooked one very important fact.   We are NOT stupid.......   OCCUPY THIS !!!

David W. Emerick

Saturday, June 25, 2011

For Whom Do You Shed Tears ?

    As I'm sure many of you know, who follow my blog, that I, at every available chance , participate in the Final Honors, or Military Funerals for the Hero's who have served this beautiful Country of ours, and for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, and died on the battlefields of late, defending the freedom that we have come to take for granted.  Whatever your politics, or your religion matters not to me, for a soldier only knows to follow the orders of their superior Officer, there is no democrat or republican, no ambiguity.  That's how it works, that's why it works !!!
    Today however, my friends, I experienced an epiphany.  I've literally done hundreds of these funerals over the years, and today, as I laid another Veteran to rest, I couldn't help but ask myself, "For whom do these people cry/"  I was struck by the fact that the families and friends that come these somber affairs, are jovial and talkative at the onset of the service, but only weep for their loved one once our service commences.  Are they weeping for the Hero who has fallen, or are their tears merely for the pomp and circumstance that we, (as a memorial unit) perform for every Veteran who has served, 
    Let me share this with you;  I as Chaplain, to start the Military part of the service, stand before the family and friends and say, "Let us pray.......   Oh God, Father of all, we here extend these final earthly tributes to our beloved Comrade.  Accept our prayers on behalf of the soul of thy servant departed.  Welcome him to thy house to rest in peace.  Look with mercy upon the loved ones bereaved by his passing.  Comfort and console them through thine own tenderness.  These things we ask humbly in thy name.......Amen."
    Then after a few words by the Commander of our Post, again I say, " Let us pray,   Almighty and Merciful God !  Father of all !!  Amidst these monuments of the dead.... we see thy hand.  In the depth of our sorrow, we realize the truth of these inspired words: I am the resurrection and the life, and that he who believeth in me, though he were dead.....Yet shall he live !!!    As comrade after Comrade departs, we march on the ranks grown thinner.  Help us to be faithful unto thee, and to one another.  We beseech thee, look with mercy upon all of us assembled here, and with thine own tenderness, comfort and console those bereaved by the hand of death.  Give them the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness..... Heavenly Father....Bless our Country with Freedom and Righteousness, and through thy sovereign and holy spirit's favor. may we all meet at last before thy throne of grace in Heaven, and to thy great name will be praise, for ever and ever.... Amen/
    Then, these words.......  "Officer of the Day....... Prepare the Squad for the final salute to our fallen Comrade."  The squad the lines up, either at the grave side or outside the Chapel, and the volleys are fired and taps are blown.  Then, as the flag is being folded, I say, " This banner of love and devotion, now being folded, is a living memorial of the courageous thoughts of our fallen Comrade.... The one you came to honor today.   The blue field represents the sky that overlooks our land, and denotes the watchfulness of  God the Eternal.  The red stripes tell us of the Blood, Sweat, and Tears that have been offered by our Comrades' devotion to the responsible freedom of our Country.  The white stripes boldly proclaim the peace that he fought for and helped to bring to this and future generations.  This is His Flag......  This is our Spiritual Heritage...... Receive it with the tears of our minds and the faith of our Hearts.....  Amen !!!
    Three spent shells are then placed inside the flag, One for Duty, One for Honor, and One for the Country that was so loved and proudly served.  After the Salutes, these word are offered to the recipient of the flag,  "On behalf of the President of the United States, and a truly, grateful Nation, It is my honor, to present to you, this flag, of our Nation, that your loved one so proudly fought for.... and served.  May God bless him... and may God Bless you !!!
   The whole ordeal makes me cry every time I do it,  but like I said before, for whom do the tears fall.... For the Veteran,  or for the Service......  You tell me !!!

David W. Emerick

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Back in the Saddle !!!

    Well my friends, after 19 months of depression, insecurity, and lack of work, the most amazing thing happened.  President Obama signed the extension of the Bush tax cuts, and almost instantaneously, my whole world changed.  Literally, within hours of Obama putting his pen to the paper,  my telephone rang and I received the great news, "Come back to work."
    You see, ever since the inauguration of whom I call the "Black Jimmy Carter", corporate America wasn't necessarily broke, (in fact, they were sitting on billions in cash), they, as were many others, holding their cards extremely close to the vest.  So close in fact, they were tighter than two coats of paint.  And, after all was said and done, there was only one reason for the economic downturn that touched us all;  They, (Big Business), didn't know what this new era of "hope and change" was going to do to their bottom line.  Translation..... Obama could not be trusted !
   Nevertheless, after the extension of the Bush tax cuts, which Obama was dragged kicking and screaming to the table to sign, corporations now could be secure knowing they could hire, expand, and reinvest their dollars.  In fact, they could write off 100% of all capital investment for the next two years.  This, my friends, is the quintessential definition of Reaganomics, and once again, is proof positive that Tax Cuts.... Spur Investment !!!
   My Industry, which directly supports the steel industry, was contacted almost immediately with requests for quotes on new equipment as well as re-visiting old proposals that had been put on hold.  New orders are flooding my company, and there is no end in sight.  There are actually several new steel mills that have broken ground and are under construction as well as ones still on the drawing board, investing millions, and creating thousands of good paying jobs, not to mention the events of late such as the tragedies in Japan and Haiti that will require millions of tons of steel, as well as rebuilding our own infrastructure which is decaying at a rapid pace.
    In conclusion my friends, there is only one thing that could halt this on going recovery and expansion in our world economy.....  The re-election of Barack Obama  !!!  We MUST NOT allow this dreamer to ruin this Country!  His economic policies are just not feasible, much less practical,  and quite frankly, I think we should send him packing, back to Chicago, with a brand new staple gun and a stack of Acorn Posters.  I'm sure his buddy Rahm will give him a job.  Bottom line....  The defeat of  Barack Obama is the key, to keeping me.........Back in the Saddle !!!

David W. Emerick